Prosecutors: The Unsung Heroes of Criminal Case Management

Anyone with a Netflix account can tell you that the most popular law docuseries share a common theme: bestowing the virtues of defense attornies. The popularity of Making a Murder has shown that in criminal case management, the defense attornies have the noblest job imaginable. They are left to fight off the evils of wrongful prosecutions and help keep innocent people out of jail. The problem with series like Making a Murderer is they shape a public perception that can be quite dangerous. All good attornies get into law to protect the innocent. This can be done from both prosecutors and defense attornies alike. It's important to keep that in mind when watching the media portrayals of criminals who were wrongfully persecuted. It's not that defense attornies don't have important jobs. It's that not all people are wrongfully accused. America's justice system allows people to be innocent until proven guilty. When actual crimes occur, the burden of keeping their ...